Monday, June 1, 2015

Private Git for teams up to 5

I just started using a nice version control tool called BitBucket (    It is free if your team is less than 5 members and you get unlimited private repositories.  It is similar to GitHub except that GitHub's free plan only works with open-source projects that are available to the public.  If you have a secret project that is going to make you millions, you might not want to put it there if a clone of your code could destroy you :)  Then again your code could save humanity and you could still end up making some good money off of it. 

Version control systems allow teams to work on the same peace of code.  They go through a process of committing, pushing, and pulling the code down to their local computers.

A normal workflow
  • Pull latest version of the software to your machine.
  • Add your features to the code
  • Test your features and ensure it doesn't break the entire system.
  • Commit your changes commenting on what you did
  • Push your changes back up to the server
There are many nice features like going back in time and having the entire development staff on the same version of code. And if you are lucky you will not have any of the dreaded conflicts where you change the same piece of code that another developer changed.  In that instance the machine gives up and asks you what should be included and what should be scrapped. 

I think that BitBucket is great for those small projects were you want to keep your code a secret.  But if you want to get noticed by employers, GitHub is definately the way to go.  The strongest way to build a portfolio is to have your projects out and visible to the public.

Link for generating a SSH Key 

Happy Coding!
Jeremy Skrdlant

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