There are a couple of things to note about the countdown.
- It is set to general mountain time so the -0600 Time Stamp
- The font automatically changes size to the width of the window
- It detects when the day occurs and changes from until class starts to Since Class Began.
//This is the date we are counting down to.
var dateClassStarts = new Date("August 12, 2013 7:59:00 -0600");
//Write out the original Difference in time.
//Size the font to the window.
//Update the timer every second.
//If the window resizes, we want the font to change.
function writeOutTime(){
//Get new Time
var currentTime = new Date();
//Calculate the entire difference in milliseconds.
var difference = dateClassStarts - currentTime;
//Determine if the class is in the future or the past.
var classHasStarted = false;
if (difference < 0) {
classHasStarted = true;
//Take the absolute value so you always have positive values.
difference = Math.abs(difference);
//86400000 is 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24
//Calculate the Days, Hours, Minutes, and Seconds.
//Note the use of the floor so it ignores the remainder.
var days = Math.floor(difference/86400000);
difference -= days * 86400000;
var hours = pad(Math.floor(difference/ 3600000),2);
difference -= hours * 3600000;
var minutes = pad(Math.floor(difference / 60000),2);
difference -= minutes * 60000;
var seconds = pad(Math.floor(difference / 1000),2);
//Put the String together.
var dataString = days + " Days<br> " + hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds + "<br >";
//Add to the string if the class has begun or not.
if (classHasStarted) {
dataString += "Since Class Began";
dataString += "Until Class Starts";
//update your label
function resizeFontToWindow()
//Get the Width of the Div that holds the label
var widthOfLabelDiv = $("#label").width();
//Calculate a new font size based off that width
var newFontSize = widthOfLabelDiv / 9;
//Animate to that new size in 100 milliseconds
fontSize: newFontSize + "px"
//Changes the numbers so that they are 05 instead of 5 when you have a size of 2.
function pad(num, size) {
var s = num+"";
while (s.length < size) s = "0" + s;
return s;
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