Thursday, March 31, 2016

Exciting Project Scheduled for tomorrow

Our students this Friday will be building a life size death star for a client.  It will be fully functional with lasers, massive size, and great tunes.

So students, on Friday make sure you bring your soldering irons, claw hammers, and ambition as we take on this monumental task.  The client has wanted this project done since the mid 80s so we will have to deliver in a day to keep them happy.

Our launch pad is located just south of our building in the field shown below.

There should be enough space for this 165 kilometer sphere since everyone knows that spheres come to a point at the bottom.  The launchpad itself will be placed in what looks to be the center of the field.  For most of this project, we will be eyeballing the measurements.  There is no time for tape measures with this build!

We are also thinking green by making the launchpad out of an old iMac box.  We might need to reinforce it but we will tackle that problem when we get to it.

Look to the south throughout the day to see our progress on this massive wonder.

Jeremy Skrdlant

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